The Masonic Roundtable
A weekly program with Masons from across the country.
Thursdays at 9:30PM Eastern / 8:30PM Central.

About Us
The “Knights” of The Masonic Roundtable were assembled in February 2014 with the duty to spread Masonic light around the world.Current Knights
Jon T. Ruark
Jon T. Ruark is a Past Master of The Patriot Lodge No. 1957 in Fairfax, VA, and has served in many masonic and fraternal bodies, favoring those with esoteric and educational focuses. He is the Founder and co-host of The Masonic Roundtable podcast that has been running for almost 9 years, spanning 400 episodes with over 2 million downloads. He is also the co-author of It's Business Time: Adapting a Corporate Approach to Freemasonry and an annotated edition of The Master's Word: A Short Treatise on the Word, the Light, and the Self. When not doing masonry, he works as an Agile Innovation coach for global private clients and the federal government. He lives in Virginia with his wife and five children.Jason M. Richards
Bro. Jason Richards is a Past Master of Acacia Lodge No. 16 in Clifton, VA, where he was raised in 2012, and a member of The Colonial Lodge No. 1821 in Washington, DC. His favorite Masonic topics include the history of Freemasonry worldwide, the sociocultural impact of Freemasonry, and the history and evolution of Masonic mythos. He is also active in the Allied Masonic Degrees and the Royal Arch. In addition to his work on The Masonic Roundtable, Jason is the writer of the Masonic blog “The 2-Foot Ruler: Masonry in Plain Language” (http://www.2footruler.wordpress.com) and an emeritus contributor to the Midnight Freemasons blog. He lives in Virginia with his wife, son, cats, and ever-expanding collection of bow ties.Robert Johnson
Bro. Robert Johnson is a Freemason out of the First North-East District of Illinois, and is a Past Master and current Secretary of Waukegan Lodge #78. He is also a member of the York Rite bodies Royal Arch, Cryptic Council, Knights Templar, AMD and the Scottish Rite (32nd degree). Brother Johnson currently produces and hosts the weekly Podcast (internet radio program) Whence Came You? which focuses on Freemasonry ( www.wcypodcast.com ). In addition, produces video shorts focusing on driving interest in the Fraternity and will write original Masonic papers from time to time. He is the managing editor of the “Midnight Freemasons” blog as well. He is a husband and father of 4. He works full time in the safety industry and is also a photographer on the side as well as an avid home brewer. He is also working on three books, all of which are Masonic in nature. Also, he does not have any cats.Joe Martinez
Bro. Joe Martinez is the current Worshipful Master of Manasseh Lodge No. 182, in Manassas, VA. He is a member of Royal Arch, Cryptic Council, Commandery, the Allied Masonic Degrees, AASR SJ, Knight Masons, YRSC, and the Operatives. Bro. Joe enjoys focusing on and researching the Initiatic Experience, Rituals of Initiation, and the Mysteries of Ancient Civilizations. He lives in Northern Virginia with his wife, three kids, and three dogs, the largest of which is always present in the studio for TMR streams. He also has a healthy dislike of cats.Emeritus Knights
Nick Johnson
Bro. Nick Johnson is best known as the lead blogger at the Millennial Freemason blog. A lover of codes, symbols, esoteric craziness, and “secret” stuff, he became interested in Freemasonry and its symbols as a young man. With the help of his grandfather, Bro. Nick joined Corinthian Lodge No. 67 in Farmington, MN in the spring of 2006 and served as Master in 2010. He is also a Past High Priest of Corinthian Chapter No. 33, RAM, Deputy Master of Northfield Council No. 12, R&SM, and Generalissimo of Faribault Commandery No. 8. He’s also involved in AMD, Knight Masons, and the Sovereign College. He lives in the Minneapolis-Saint Paul area with his wife and kids, and some cats.Mike the Intern
Bro. Mike Hambrecht is the current Junior Steward and Lodge Education Officer of Village Lodge No. 274 in Burton, Ohio. When not appearing on The Masonic Roundtable or avidly listening to every Masonic podcast known to man, Mike is active in Willoughby Chapter No. 231, Royal Arch Masons of Ohio.Juan Sepulveda
Bro. Juan ‘One’ Sepulveda is a member of Orange Blossom Lodge No. 80 F. & A.M. in Kissimmee Florida. He is a professional artist and shortly after becoming a Freemason, he decided to develop a collection of Masonic Art and Custom Masonic Aprons. It was a natural progression to his creative work, since he is passionate for history, Masonic education and allegorical teachings. Today, Juan’s artwork is part of private and corporate collections in the United States, South America, The Caribbean, Europe and Australia. Juan Sepúlveda is the host of The Winding Stairs Freemasonry Podcast and is a public speaker who specializes in the topics of Art, Freemasonry and the art of self improvement.
Invite Us to Speak
Are you interested in having a knight of The Masonic Roundtable speak in your lodge?Jason M. Richards
Jason is available to speak at tiled and untiled events local to the Washington, D.C. area. For non-local events up to 4 hours’ driving distance (or farther away if flying) away from the Washington, D.C. area, he respectfully requests that lodging and travel costs be reimbursed at a minimum. He is also available to do presentations virtually. Book him by visiting www.jasonmrichards.com. Due to their proximity, Jason and Jon are available to present together if requested.Jon T. Ruark
Jon is available to speak at tiled and untiled events local to the Washington, D.C. area. For non-local events up to 4 hours’ driving distance (or farther away if flying) away from the Washington, D.C. area, he respectfully requests that lodging and travel costs be reimbursed, and a bowl of blue M&Ms be provided at a minimum. He is also available to do presentations virtually. Book him by e-mailing themasonicroundtable@gmail.com or via facebook messenger. Due to their proximity, Jon and Jason are available to present together if requested.Robert Johnson
Request Robert by e-mailing wcypodcast@gmail.com.Juan O. Sepulveda
Request Juan by visiting The Winding Stairs.
26 - Evening of Masonic Light - NHOctober
14 - Esoteric Conference - NJ
Alberto D. Rodriguez
Bill Short
Bret Robinson
Brian Waldorf
Chad Lyday
Charlie Haselwood
Chris Heiskell
Chris Matty
Christopher Jacobs
Christopher Lansaw
Christopher Ndife
Conor Eaton
Don Salcedo
Frank Skrobot
Gary Strout
James E. Kaufman
Jared Johnson
Jeffrey Joe
Joe Martinez
John DiSanza
Joshua Meacham
Justin Miller
Lucas Hess
Neal Clayton
Norbert J. Mejia
Peter DiMauro
Rob Fite
Russ Sanders
Stephen Johnston
Steve Harrison
Zack BirknerSquires
Bryan Mullins
chris kennedy
Christoffer Nordmark
Chuck Simms
Curtis Coleman
Frédéric Baronet
Jack Heide
Jeff Sloan
Jeff Woosley
Jose Trinidad
Josh Andrews
Justin L Williamson
Kevin Bauc
Matt Smith
Michael S. Jäger
Mike Hoyle
Paul Hooten
Rob Jackson
Robert Pyle
Scott joseph doucette
Scott M. Sherman
Shawn C
Silvano Senzamici
Simba On Fire
Ted Langdon
Thomas W. Caldwell
Tim Campbell
Todd Ricker
WIlliam Bersey
William Hosler
William RagansPages
Jorge Mercado
Marc Rubenstein
Maynard Edwards